The activities of the project aim to create a new methodology based on a relevant functioning of the knowledge triangle in the domain of ceramic material.
The joint work of the partnership is seeking to create a common space where the interaction between research, education and innovation is optimised.
To achieve these objectives the project implemented various activities closely connected and established “intellectual outputs” in order to help other institutions willing to implement similar activities.
All the outputs are available here in free access:
Guide book of good practices for outreach activities in the field of ceramic materials
The EUCERMAT project aims at changing the image of ceramics in Europe. The development and implementation of innovative practices to promote ceramic sciences to the community, civil society, high school students and teachers, parents, educators in general, ceramic industry staff, is a huge issue then. Following the innovative outreach activities implemented during the project, a dedicated guide book has been established to help institutions in implementing innovative practices to promote ceramic science towards general public.
This guide book is targeted mainly the high-school teachers, academics, researchers and industrials. Contents :
- Presentation of the good practices of outreach activities
- Methods and resources required to implement outreach activities
- Example of case of studies
EUCERMAT Master programme
The EUCERMAT project is offering a meaningful and unique learning experience for Master students through high level international training courses in the field of the science of ceramic materials and processing.
Following the implementation of such programme in blended mobility (e-learning + physicial mobility) two manuals have been established to help other higher education institution willing to implement such innovative educationnal programme.
Both are targated to teachers, researchers, and course administrators.
- A Manual for blended mobility which explains how to implement a common modules in blended mobility
- Functioning of commons modules: terms and conditions which explains how to manage a common modules in blended mobility
Industrial Network
The EUCERMAT Industrial Network allows to the industry at working in close interaction with pedagogical teams to structure pedagogical contents and define new ways of teaching ceramics science, to answer the industrial needs.
Following the creation and the implementation of the EUCERMAT Industrial Network and the Tutored projects for students two manuals have been established to help institution willing to implement such network.
Both are targeted to teachers, researchers, industrials.
- An Industrial Network Charter defining the functioning rules of the EUCERMAT Industrial Network.
- A Manual for tutored projects wich explains how to implement and manage tutored projects.
Quality Label
The Quality Label for students allows the national and European regognition of the quality of the innovative teaching and the link existing between education and practice.
New roadmap for ceramic materials
A new roadmap for traditional and advanced ceramics materials regarding the 2020-2030 horizons.